Tahap 1: Kelas 1-3

Selamat datang di Program Edukasi Pahlawan Samudra! Anda kini menjadi bagian dari komunitas pendidik yang menginspirasi generasi berikutnya untuk mencegah polusi sampah plastik di lautan Indonesia dan di seluruh dunia. Program Edukasi Pahlawan Samudra adalah proyek percontohan untuk sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia oleh Plastic Bank bekerja sama dengan Alliance to End… Read More

Stage 2: Grades 4-6

Welcome to the Ocean Steward Educational Program! You are now part of the educators who will be an instrument to influence the next generation to stop ocean plastic in Indonesia and around the world. The Ocean Stewards Educational Program is a pilot project for schools in Indonesia by… Read More

Stage 1: Grades 1-3

Welcome to the Ocean Steward Educational Program! You are now part of the educators who will be an instrument to influence the next generation to stop ocean plastic in Indonesia and around the world. The Ocean Stewards Educational Program is a pilot project for schools in Indonesia by Plastic… Read More

Plastic Recycling

Learn how recycling works, challenges in plastic recycling, and why it’s an important strategy to include for the management of plastic pollution. Read More

The Human Plastic Crisis

Throughout the food chain, plastic is finding its way to us. However, plastic ingestion is not the only way this material is negatively affecting humans. Learn about the human plastic crisis in all its aspects: health and social. The Plastic Crisis affects all of humanity in many ways. This course… Read More

The Ocean Plastic Crisis

Learn about what happens to the plastic waste flowing into our ocean,  the devastating results on marine wildlife, and the impact of microplastics. Read More

Plastic 101

Plastic is so common that many people take it for granted. Learn where it came from, how we benefit from it, how it is made, and some of the challenges we face because of it. Read More

Day One – Intro to Plastic and Plastic Bank

Welcome to the start of your Plastic Bank learning journey. You’ve joined a passionate, global team aligned to create massive change in the world. Your first day takes you through the history of plastic, the history of Plastic Bank, our culture, and our products. A few notes about the content:… Read More

Brand Overview

Plastic Bank’s mission will transform the planet. Learn how we talk about it from our Chief Marketing Officer Saleem Ahamed. Read More

Digital Tools Overview

At Plastic Bank we have embraced “the cloud” to help us work and communicate efficiently. Some of these tools like Gmail are already familiar to most people but some others like Workplace Knowledge Library, and Asana might be unfamiliar. Read More

Basic Security Course

This course covers important information on security which will help to protect yourself, Plastic Bank, and our partners. There is a short quiz that you must pass to complete the course. The quiz provides us with a record that you have understood the material. Read More