Welcome to the start of your Plastic Bank learning journey. You’ve joined a passionate, global team aligned to create massive change in the world. Your first day takes you through the history of plastic, the history of Plastic Bank, our culture, and our products.

A few notes about the content:

  •  The majority of the learning is self-directed through this portal: lessons contain text, video, and links to web-based content
  •  There are also scheduled sessions with Plastic Bank team members that will be setup by your hiring manager
  •  Group review sessions will also take place to reinforce key ideas, solicit feedback and discuss the learning
  •  Role-Play sessions on key learning topics will ensure you are ready to talk about Plastic Bank with customers and prospects if you are in a sales or business development roll


NOTE: save a link to this page – for day 1 we link to other courses, so it will be useful to easily come back to this page

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