Plastic Bank’s Partnership with SC Johnson
Plastic Bank’s partnership with SC Johnson began in 2018 with the goal of stopping plastic before it reaches the ocean while improving the lives of the people who collect it. SC Johnson has supported recycling ecosystems in Indonesia, the Philippines and Brazil. The plastic collected in these ecosystems is recycled and reprocessed to create recovered coastal plastic* feedstock that is integrated into select SC Johnson product packaging.
*Recovered Coastal Plastic, in partnership with Plastic Bank, is post-consumer recycled plastic collected on land within 31 miles of an ocean so that it does not reach oceans or landfills.

Authentic impact, verified success
The story of Social Plastic through the lens of a Windex bottle.
Life of a Bottle – Windex
SC Johnson & Plastic Bank

Being part of the solution
SC Johnson contributes to the solution by using recovered coastal plastic in select product packaging. In 2019, SC Johnson launched its first Windex® Vinegar bottle made out of 100% recovered coastal plastic. And in 2020, they launched trigger bottles made with 100% recovered coastal plastic for Windex® Original,Windex® Vinegar, Windex® Ammonia-Free in North America, as well as Mr. Muscle® Platinum Window and Glass Cleaner in the U.K. and Ireland.
Growing together
In 2019 Plastic Bank partnered with SC Johnson to open 9 collection branches in Bali, Indonesia. As of December 2022, Indonesia is the largest Plastic Bank recycling ecosystem with over 13,500 registered collection members that have collected over 40 million kilograms of plastic.
Leveraging the success in Indonesia, Plastic Bank partnered with SC Johnson to build the first Plastic Bank recycling ecosystem in Brazil in November 2019. As of Dec 2022, there are 34 collection branches in Brazil, empowering over 3,400 members and collecting over 3.5 million kilograms of plastic.

Get involved with Plastic Bank

Professional Membership
Fund global plastic collection with your business and access tools to communicate the environmental and social impact it’s making.

Personal Membership
Empower collection communities to gather plastic materials and exchange it for money and access to social benefits.