Where we operate

At Plastic Bank, we’re revealing value in plastic and using it as a global resource to end poverty. This can only begin at the root of the cause, in communities at the intersection of plastic pollution and poverty.

What has plastic pollution got to do with poverty?

A world map highlighting coastlines in red on a white background, showing major landmasses and geographical outlines.
Top ocean pollution points

Which countries generate the most plastic waste?

World map highlighting coastal areas in gray and marking certain borders in red.
Top ocean pollution points Top 10 plastic waste generating countries

Which countries are most responsible for ocean plastic pollution?

A world map in which various regions are shaded in brown and dotted in red, highlighting areas of focus, including parts of North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, with a dark background.
Top ocean pollution points Biggest ocean plastic contributors

How does Plastic Bank decide which country to operate in?

Top ocean pollution points Country location

How do you incentivise communities to gather plastic?

Top ocean pollution points Country location [communities] Collection communities

What is Plastic Bank’s impact in the Philippines?

Country location 619 Collection communities

What is Plastic Bank’s impact in Indonesia?

A map outline of Indonesia in a turquoise color with dots indicating various locations within the country, labeled 'Indonesia' at the top.
Country location 771 Collection communities

What is Plastic Bank’s impact in Brazil?

Country location 120 Collection communities

What is Plastic Bank’s impact in Egypt?

A map outline of Egypt in a turquoise color with dots indicating various locations within the country, labeled 'Egypt' at the top.
Country location 45 Collection communities

What is Plastic Bank’s impact in Thailand?

A graphic showing a map of Thailand highlighted in blue, with specific locations marked by dots. The title above the map reads 'Thailand.
Country location 60 Collection communities

What is Plastic Bank’s impact in Cameroon?

Country location 10 Collection communities
Our community of

57,332 members

gathered the equivalent of

8,000,401,625 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

160,008,032 kg

Our community of

57,332 members

gathered the equivalent of

8,000,401,625 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

160,008,032 kg

Our community of

57,332 members

gathered the equivalent of

8,000,401,625 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

160,008,032 kg

Our community of

57,332 members

gathered the equivalent of

8,000,401,625 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

160,008,032 kg

Our community of

57,332 members

gathered the equivalent of

8,000,401,625 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

160,008,032 kg

Our community of

22,945 members

gathered the equivalent of

1,724,570,480 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

34,491,410 kg

Our community of

26,438 members

gathered the equivalent of

3,949,813,389 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

78,996,268 kg

Our community of

4,621 members

gathered the equivalent of

377,856,483 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

7,557,130 kg

Our community of

2,364 members

gathered the equivalent of

992,581,989 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

19,851,640 kg

Our community of

303 members

gathered the equivalent of

680,842,645 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

13,616,853 kg

Our community of

136 members

gathered the equivalent of

54,668,841 bottles

and collected total plastic waste

1,093,377 kg

What UN SDG goals does Plastic Bank support?

Plastic Bank advances the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Our collection communities earn additional income from exchanging plastic as money, and receive social benefits, including health, work and life insurance, digital connectivity, grocery vouchers, school supplies, fintech services, and more.

Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

We have provided opportunities to 57,332 collection members in vulnerable coastal areas around the world. We adhere to a strict Code of Conduct, promoting a safe and inclusive work environment that upholds labour and human rights.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

We help stop plastic pollution through the collection and recycling of discarded plastic. The collected plastic is processed into Social Plastic® feedstock which is integrated into new products and packaging, reducing the demand for virgin plastic.

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development

Stopping plastic from within 50km of an ocean-bound waterway or coastline reduces its likelihood from flowing into the ocean. This in turn helps to protect marine life, microorganisms, and endangered species from plastic pollution.

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

By partnering with like-minded organizations to end poverty, stop plastic pollution, and substitute the use of virgin plastic, we empower them to work towards the Sustainable Development Goals that align with the purpose and mission of their businesses.

Our community

We are able to buy our family necessities like food and other essentials through the bonus we receive. It has also helped us cover the maintenance of our small boat, buy fishing nets, and afford a small renovation on our home. We’ve even been able to save some of our earnings. In case we are in a difficult situation again, we have savings to grab from.


a member in Baseco, Philippines

The benefits we receive through plastic exchange are used to provide for our daily needs. The most important thing we receive is BPJS Health Insurance for my husband’s treatment.

Asis & Atmawati

members in Bali, Indonesia

The bonus I receive with the exchange really helps me to support my family and afford the things we need. One of those things is the medicine for my son that I buy every month.

Carla Maria

a member in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Even though I didn’t get a chance to continue my own education, I’ve made sure my kids get a proper education. My dream is to see my kids graduate and be able to help my oldest daughter get married. Plastic Bank is helping me with my dream.

Bashay Shawky

a member in Cairo, Egypt