
Welcome to the Changemaker Program! 

The first step towards any change is awareness. Whether you’re passionate about combating plastic pollution or addressing poverty, this program will provide you with foundational knowledge and practical tools to drive positive change. 

Only through collective action can we create a sustainable, circular, and equitable world. 


Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain knowledge on the history and evolution of plastic 
  • Understand the impact of plastic pollution on marine life and humanity 
  • Learn about the circular economy and the Social Recycling movement   
  • Understand your values and motivation for becoming a Changemaker 

Stay tuned for exciting new courses and action toolkits – coming soon! 

Let’s embark on this transformative journey of change and impact together!

More articles


From global agreement to local action: the impact of the Plastic Treaty negotiations

Explore the groundbreaking efforts of Plastic Bank in tandem with the international community's ambitious Plastic Treaty. Discover how innovative solutions like Plastic Bank are making a significant impact on plastic pollution while simultaneously improving lives in regions grappling with plastic pollution and poverty. Dive into the comprehensive strategy of the Plastic Treaty, supported by 175 nations, and learn how it aims to reshape our relationship with plastic to safeguard our planet and marine ecosystems. Join us on a journey towards a cleaner, more regenerative future.